Want to Try Something New? Try Traveling on Foot!

These days, you can travel in many different ways. By plane, by car, by train, and you can even grab a bike! Or, if you want to try something different, you can go on foot. We’ve already brought you an article about a hitchhiker from Italy (Emanuele Vicalvi) and today, we’ll show you a few tips for a unique holiday.

tourist walking
Walking will slow you down, so you can admire the views you’d normally miss.

Why Should I Walk? I Have a Car!

Our fast lifestyle makes more and more people slow down and take some time to get to know themselves and also notice the small details that they’d normally miss. Price isn’t the main reason because a holiday on foot will cost you about the same as a regular holiday. Realistically, the only way you can save money is if you include wild camping and dumpster diving. What can a holiday on foot offer you anyway?

  • You’ll have a lot of time to think.
  • You’ll get to know many people with different life stories.
  • You’ll learn how to respect your body and its needs.
  • You’ll get to see places where tourists don’t usually go.
  • You’ll have a chance to make amazing photographs.
  • You’ll learn how to trust your intuition and your own skills.
  • You’ll gain confidence.
  • Maybe you’ll write a best-selling novel about your adventures one day.
Traveling on foot
Can you imagine traveling the world on foot?

How to Prepare for Long-Term Walking?

You’ll need a quality backpack, going as light as possible with quality shoes and cash. That’s the minimum you’ll need for a trip on foot. We’ve collected a few helpful tips from experienced travelers who go everywhere on foot.

Take good care of your feet

Before your trip, make sure to cut your toenails short. Always carry scissors and band-aids in your bag. Many people see the movie Wild and take off on a 3-month-long mountain trip without considering the weight they’ll have to carry. Shoes are the most important investment. Don’t make a rookie mistake and buy hiking shoes according to the same criteria as if you were buying other kinds of footwear. Consider the following:

  • Your footwear should be light. Imagine how many times you’ll lift your feet during your travel. Every gram makes a difference.
  • You’ll feet will swell when you walk. Always buy shoes that are one size bigger than your feet.
  • In the store, try on both shoes together with the socks you’ll wear during your travel.
  • The shoes can’t be too small or fall off your feet. The heel should always be comfortably seated in the shoe.
  • First, walk on a straight surface, then try to go uphill and downhill. While going downhill, your toes shouldn’t touch the front of your shoe.
  • Your shoes shouldn’t have a high heel.
  • Pick shoes that are made from a light material that doesn’t let in water, but allows for air circulation.
  • Always clean your shoes if they get dirty.

Minimize the weight you’re carrying

Before you set out on your trip, you should know what kind of environment you’re going to stay in. Whether you’re going camping and will sleep in a tent, or if you’ll be staying in a hostel. Whether you should bring more food and water or will there be shops and restaurants where you can buy them? What kind of weather will you be facing? It’s always best to pick clothes that can absorb smells. Check out this video by Nomadic Matt for more tips.

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